Fees - List of fees and optional accessories


Fee name

Amount without VAT

Special driving permit

25.00 €

Driving license, notary verification

50.00 €

Fee for younger driver for the whole rental for more than 7 days (one-time for 1 person) - minimum 25 years

50.00 €

Additional driver for the entire rental for more than 7 days (once for 1 person AMR when renting to a natural person)

50.00 €

Refueling after rent, refueling coefficient (L)


Refueling after rent, charging coefficient (kWh)

0.30 €

Refueling after returning the temporary vehicle, refueling coefficient


Choice of color on the vehicle

30.00 €

Participation in the pre-inspection

50.00 €

Implementation of the assignment of rights under the contract

the amount of the monthly payment

Issuance of a confirmation of the duration of the contract, payment discipline, the amount of liabilities, etc.

30.00 €

Identification of the customer's payment without specifying a variable symbol

15.00 €

Failure to notify change of client data (address, name, economic situation and others)

330.00 €

Sending a written invitation by post

25.00 €

Fine for administrative handling of the insured event (damage €600 to €3000)

150.00 €

Fine for administrative handling of the insured event (damage €3001 to €5000)


Fine for administrative handling of an insured event (damage more than €5,000) 500.00€

Failure to deliver the accident report to the Lessor within 24 hours of the end of the lease

100.00 €

One-way fee (OWF) to Standard fleet to branches


250.00 €


250.00 €

Damage quantification estimate

Damage quantification

Scratch on the painted surface up to 5 cm without penetrating under the paint surface

€ 0

Chips on the front of the vehicle without deformation (excluding glass)

Deformation of the body with a diameter smaller than the size of the diameter of the coin 1, - EUR without damaging the colors

Damage to discs / knobs up to 1 cm

Hole in the filling cat. N up to 1 € coin size

Door edge damage, size S and M

Fine scratches behind the door handle

Any surface damage - not penetrated below the surface of the paint - over 50mm (5cm) - at a distance of less than 30 cm

200.00 €

Damage to the paint on the rearview mirror or door handle

200.00 €

Any 2 surface damage to 1 part - not penetrated below the surface of the paint - over 50mm (5cm) - at a distance of 30 or more cm

300.00 €

Scratch penetrated under the surface of the paint with a diameter greater than 5 mm

400.00 €

Deformation greater than 1 € coin

Damage to the silver part of the front / rear bumper

Damage to the plastic rail on the commercial vehicle

250.00 €

Damage to the plastic strip above the fender

Damage to the wooden floor on a commercial vehicle

Damage to the inner fender on a commercial vehicle

290.00 €

Painting 1 part up to the hood

450.00 €

Painting of 1 part on vehicles with 3-layer pearlescent paint

450.00 €

Disk polishing 100.00 €
Disk damage (depending on vehicle type) €300.00 up to deductible

Painting 1 part with character exchange

340.00 €

Damage / loss of fracture

€ 50.00 to € 100.00

Fee for refueling the wrong fuel

250.00 € + additional costs

Major damage (size L)


Damage to several parts if caused by one PU

Cracked parts

Bumper damage in category N

400.00 €

Windscreen damage (depending on vehicle type)

250.00 € to co-participation

Repair of the windshield by pouring

60.00 €

Disc damage (depending on vehicle type)

250.00 € to co-participation

Tire damage (depending on vehicle type)

€ 70.00 to € 250.00

Repairable defect

30.00 €

Interior damage

individually depending on the damage

Interior panel for sliding doors - Renault Master

350.00 €

Inner panel, left rear above the fender - Renault Master

350.00 €

Inner panel, right rear above the fender - Renault Master

350.00 €

Inner panel left front - Renault Master

350.00 €

Interior panel of the left rear door - Renault Master

150.00 €

Interior trim for right rear door - Renault Master

150.00 €

Interior tailgate trim - Mercedes-Benz Sprinter

150.00 €

Interior tailgate trim - Mercedes-Benz Sprinter

150.00 €

Sliding door interior panel - Mercedes-Benz Sprinter

250.00 €

Any damage to the interior is not covered by the agreed insurance. If damage occurs in the interior of the vehicle, the lessee responsible for the damage is charged the actual compensation in the amount of the price of the work and service. In the event that the amount for repairing any damage to the vehicle exceeds the amount of € 3,334, the lessee will be charged a co-payment of 15% of the damage caused. Fees or any estimates of the amount of damage repair are sent to the customer after the proper end of the lease, no later than 10 working days. An exception is immovable vehicles after a traffic accident, which will be taken to the service immediately.

The list of the most common vehicle damages is not exhaustive and AVIS reserves the right to change the stated rates. These rates represent the financial value to be spent on removing the damage caused by the damage to the vehicle. At the same time, the stated rates also represent a financial loss on the value of the vehicle caused by a specific damage / impairment, to which AVIS is entitled even if the given damage / impairment on the vehicle is not repaired. AVIS reserves the right to repair the vehicle within a period that will reduce the length of the repair interval as effectively as possible so that the vehicle is taken out of service as soon as possible. The customer has the right to request repair of the vehicle immediately after quantifying the damage. In this case, the customer is charged a standing fee of 70% of the value of the normal rent for the entire length of the service interval and decommissioning of the vehicle as a result of repairing the damage.

VAT (20%) does not apply to co-participation or damages.

Cleaning and loss

Amount without VAT

Dirty vehicle interior

100.00 €

Dirty interior - deep cleaning with spray extraction cleaner

250.00 €

Smoking in the vehicle

250.00 €

Loss of technical license

150.00 €

Key loss

250.00 € to co-participation

License plate damage / loss

250.00 €

Loss of a green card

50.00 €

Loss of mandatory vehicle equipment

20.00 €

Loss of tools from the vehicle

50.00 €

Excessive contamination of the load area of the commercial vehicle

100.00 €

Other fees

Amount without VAT

Fee for the need to perform a technical inspection on the vehicle in connection with damage to any of the vehicle's safety features such as wheel suspension, deformation zones, airbag system, steering or brakes

150.00 €

Fee for action at the traffic inspectorate

30.00 €

Penalties for the second reminder for the invoice after the due date

40.00 €

Use of a pallet truck in the interior of the vehicle

100.00 €

Administrative fee

25.00 €

Administrative fee for processing the fine

35.00 €

Handling fee

25.00 €

Handover of the vehicle at the agreed place outside the Lessor's registered office (only within BA)

30.00 €

Cleaning the vehicle (if the car can be checked but not clean enough)

60.00 €

Excessive contamination of the vehicle exterior (if the vehicle cannot be inspected when returning the vehicle)

200.00 €

Excessive dirt on the vehicle exterior

30.00 €

Disinfection of a refrigerated vehicle

100.00 €

Unremoved advertising stickers

30.00 €

Failure to comply with the Lessor's request (failure to return the vehicle, failure to come to the service, failure to document damage)

200.00 €

Failure to bring the vehicle for long-term rent

30.00 €

Missing the agreed date in the service

19.00 €

Non-return of the vehicle within the agreed period without the consent of the Lessor

200.00 €

Vehicle collection fee

450.00 €

Vehicle transport fee

50.00 € + 0.50 € / 1 km + charge refueling coefficient

Use of the vehicle in violation of the contract

500.00 €

Illegal activity committed with a vehicle

€ 500.00

Violation of the General Terms and Conditions (GTC)

500.00 € + costs incurred by the landlord in violation of the GTC

Fee for maximum wear of the brake pads on a Renault Master vehicle (thickness at 0 km is 7.2 mm, maximum wear is when the thickness of the pad drops below 3.5 mm)

350.00 €

Fee for excessive wear of brake pads on a Renault Master vehicle (tolerance of 20% wear every 10,000 km, max. Wear is at 40,000 km, when the thickness of the pad is 3.5 mm, the fee is aliquoted according to the mileage and the decrease in pad thickness)

0.00 to 350.00 €

Fee for maximum wear of the front brake discs on a Renault Master (disc edge is sharp)

250.00 €

Fee for maximum wear of the rear brake discs on a Renault Master (disc edge is sharp)

300.00 €

Failure to report the occurrence of damage to the vehicle during the lease to the Lessor within 24 hours from the moment of its occurrence (for each damage assessed individually)

100.00 €

Visit to the Landlord's non-contractual service

250.00 € + difference in the price of work

Failure to report damage caused by the Lessor's vehicle to a third party

€ 500.00 + the amount of the indemnity reduction

Fee for moving tires outside the landlord's designated service centers

45.00 €

Penalty for falsifying odometer

1000.00 €

Fee for failure to return a large vehicle technical certificate in exchange for a small vehicle technical certificate

100.00 €

Failure to respond to the 3rd call to take over the vehicle after 14 days from the 3rd call

100.00 €

Fine for removing the monitoring device

100.00 €

Deterioration/detachment of the assistance sticker 5.00 €
Fine for not servicing within the prescribed service interval (time period) 500.00 €
Fine for not servicing within the prescribed service interval (exceeding by 1,000 km or more) 500.00 €
Fine for not servicing within the prescribed service interval (exceeding by 10,000 km or more) 1000.00 €
Fine for not servicing within the prescribed service interval (exceeding by 15,000 km or more) 1500.00 €
Fee for the reduction of the value of the vehicle for not completing the service within the prescribed service interval according to expert opinion

Specific charges for refrigerated vehicles

Amount without VAT

Damage to the electrical cable - the unit's mains connections

200.00 €

Damage to the internal storage space according to the extent

500.00 to 2000.00 €

Floor damage - cracking, deep damage to the floor

€ 1,000.00

Missing stop on rear sliding door

330.00 €


AVIS reserves the right to change the listed prices and fees.

Valid from 01.01.2020